Why exactly did I buy that?

Last weekend I decided to take a few hours for myself and hit the shopping mall for a few items.  While I went to the store with a specific list of just two things that I needed to purchase, I came home with five items in my bag.  Do you ever find that you start to wander around the store when you’re out shopping?  Well, I did.  I ended up getting distracted by all the other things that were displayed and looked so appealing. 

Before I knew it I was buying items that looked “neat” or “fashionable” but that I really didn’t need.  This didn’t truly occur to me, however, until I returned home and looked into my shopping bag and thought to myself, “Why exactly did I buy that?” and “Do I really need this?” 

After taking a step back to reflect on my shopping decisions, I realized I had become a victim of the sales people and the product placement displays.  I immediately pulled out the items that I really needed and left the others in the bag so they can be returned to the store. 

What is the lesson of this story, you ask?  I can relate to all of you who find yourselves with more “things” in your homes, closets, kitchens, garages, and offices than you intended. 

The next time you hit the shopping mall, ask yourself this question before you pay, “Do I really need this?” and hopefully you won’t have to make an extra trip to the store to return things like I did.  After all, gas is expensive these days!

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