Cleaning Out Old Make-Up

Do you have a ton of old make-up hiding in the back of drawers or old bins in your bathroom or linen closet?  If so, it’s time to get rid of it and keep only what you are using.  Make-up is just like any other possession… you’re most likely using 20% of it 80% of the time.  Here are some quick tips to help you let go of the dusty rose lip stick you’ve had since senior prom:

1. Without question, toss make-up products that are past their expiration date.

2. Donate colors, fragrances, and brushes that you know you’re never going to use.  Even if you’ve never even opened them.  There is sure to be someone out there that can appreciate it.

3. Place any travel sized items you have in the guest bathroom.  Your guests will feel pampered and like they’ve visited a hotel the next time they stay over.

4. If you have duplicates of your favorite lip stick or eye shadow, place those in a travel pouch that can easily slip into your purse or gym bag.  It’ll keep you from searching for the perfect color if you stash one right where you need it.

I’m curious, what is the oldest make-up item in your collection?  Are you ready to part with it?

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