New product alert: Ziploc Flexible Totes

I’m back from the Annual NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) conference which was held in Orlando last week. As promised, I scoped out all the new products that will hit the market soon. A great benefit to my job is that I get to test and sample these items before you go out and buy them! The first one I want to tell you about is from SC Johnson - they have introduced another product to their Ziploc line - the flexible tote.

Unlike rigid bins, these stackable totes can fit into tight spaces, so they are ideal for hall closets and small bedrooms. I suggest utilizing them to store sweaters, blankets, and off-season clothing items. They also feature an easy-to-close zipper and two built-in handles. They will come in two sizes: XL (10 gallons) and XXL (22 gallons).  You should be seeing them in your local Target store soon!

Or shop for Ziploc online now!

One Comment

  1. Posted May 9, 2009 at 9:16 am | Permalink

    I just received a comment from a reader via email but I thought I would share it with you…


    I bought bags like this at a dollar type store while I was out in Arizona. I was looking for something else in the store when I saw them. I used them when I was organizing a shed. They were the perfect size for the extra decorative door wreaths. You could see what they were and you could hang them by the handles so the wreaths didn’t get smashed. We also used them to store some big silver platters (they keep the air out so the pieces hopefully won’t tarnish. I actually went back and bought more to bring home to store things at home. I’m not sure of the brand. Best thing was they each only cost $1.00.


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