New uses for the standard index card

Despite all the fancy electronic gadgets and online software we’ve incorporated into our daily lives, paper still trumps the keyboard when it comes to personalizing thank you notes, sending a message or just jotting down ideas and holding them in your hand or spreading them out on a table. The distinct physical aspect of organizing is still very attractive to all of my clients.

That’s why I love the 3×5 size note cards from Levenger. (This is the same size as those index cards you used in school for research projects, and they are still handy today!) They let you quickly write down information or thoughts without taking up a lot of space, and most importantly, Levenger offers a variety of accessories to sort, file and organize the cards, so you can stay on task and keep up with everything sans the clutter. Here are a few tips and benefits to using these versatile cards:

  • They fit neatly into a pocket and gives you just enough extra room to take notes versus a standard business card.
  • If you “think” better with a pen and paper, this is for you!
  • Personalizing the 3×5 cards lets you use them for multiple purposes, such as sending them in the mail like a note or leaving them behind as an old-fashioned calling card.
  • Many small date planners will accommodate these 3×5 cards and you can punch holes and file it away.

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