From Trash to Treasure: Planning a Garage Sale

So, now that you’ve organized your garage, what do you do with all the odds and ends that were uncovered? Hold a garage sale! Go through the entire house and add to the miscellaneous inventory of things you found in the garage and have a proper de-cluttering day. And make a few extra dollars, too.

Here are a few tips to get you motivated and organized:

1. Set a date and advertise for free. Check out these online resources to post your garage sale:

Garage Sale Time
Garage Sales Tracker
Weekend Treasure

2. Start by going through closets and drawers for clothes, accessories and shoes. Then check under the bed, in your car, even the pantry, for any items that you don’t love, you don’t need and you don’t use. (Note: Don’t underestimate the value of anything - you’d be shocked at what people will buy!)

3. Sort your items into categories. Here’s a popular list of things many buyers look for: toys, camping equipment, craft supplies, books, jewelry, antique or vintage items (such as vases, old plates, salt/pepper shakers), children’s clothing, furniture and appliances.

4. Display things in the most appealing manner. Have a garment rack or clothesline to hang up dresses, coats and shirts. Tie a ribbon around small items that can be sold together, such as utensils, sheets or accessories and price them as a set. Avoid having people dig through deep boxes or kneel on the ground to look at things.

5. Have plenty of change - small bills and coins. Also, recycle all those shopping bags by giving them to buyers to hold their merchandise.

6. Leave Fido in the house. Your dog may be very cute, but he’ll probably get in the way of shoppers and get under your feet. Moreover, don’t forget to put away anything that you might trip on, such as a garden hose, your kid’s bicycle and be aware of any slippery spots on the driveway.

7. Make sure to enlist help. There’s nothing more stressful when you have multiple people asking questions or trying to buy something. There should be one person manning the ‘cash register’ and another person acting as a ’sales person.’

8. Provide refreshments. Try having a pot of coffee or some donuts as a complimentary snack for shoppers. This keeps people engaged and encourages them to stick around and check out all the goods!

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