Organizing Tips for the Bathroom

A beautiful Seattle summer is in full swing and that means you’ve probably had some out-of-town guests in and out of your home by now. I wanted to pass along a few organizing tips for the bathroom since that is probably one of the most important spaces that your guests will see and use. If your bathroom is clutter-free and organized it will most likely stay that way, even if your messy college roommate visits for a month!

  • Most medicine cabinets are lined in metal. If yours isn’t, place a small metal strip inside the door. (You can use the kind they sell at office supply stores.) Attach magnetized hooks, a notepad holder for small brushes and combs, and spice canisters for hair elastics and barrettes.
  • Bathroom drawers are second only to kitchen junk drawers when it comes to messiness. Apply the same theory as you do in the kitchen and use utensil dividers or trays to categorize small items, such as bobby pins, razors, tampons, make-up and cotton swabs.
  • Another great kitchen idea is to use lazy susans under the sink to hold cleaning supplies or extra bottles of shampoo or body wash.
  • For items you absolutely need to have on the countertop, make sure they are corraled in an attractive basket. A small wicker basket makes a great holder for washcloths or hand towels.

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