What You Should Know About the Twitterfication Of Email

How many times a day do you read an unnecessarily long email that eats away at valuable minutes?  How often do you send these types of emails? 

The rising trends with Twitter have produced a whole new way for people to communicate.  People want information that is concise (think 140 characters) and right in front of them.  They don’t want to work hard to find articles, stories, and information that are pertinent to their busy lives; they want it to find them and they want it done quickly.  Long gone are the days of lengthy, detailed articles.

This change in communication and information consumption affects other forms of media as well.  People are still dependent on their email for coordinating at work and at home, but they want their email to be short and succinct as well. 

If you want people to respond to your emails, we suggest you try:

- Writing very specific subject lines

- Keeping the body of your emails short

The idea behind these two changes is that your recipients easily know what your purpose is and they can consume the information quickly.  You have a much better chance of them responding to you.  Try it out and let us know what you think!


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