Before and After of the Week

Service: Residential Organizing; Space Planning

The challenge with this project was a large quantity of holiday decorations that needed to fit efficiently into a very tight storage space.  When we arrived at the client’s home, we discovered that after the last holiday, many holiday decorations had been living on the stair landing next to a storage nook.  The family had storage containers, but they were not the right size or shape, which made storing the decorations difficult. We noticed that shelving units were lacking from the space, which meant that if the client needed to access something on the bottom, every container in front and on top of it needed to come out first.

We sorted and purged the decorations into categories, took detailed inventory of the decorations and quantities, and measured the space and items to be stored. From there, we designed an efficient layout for the space incorporating proper shelving and containers that would maximize the storage capacity.

The result is a remarkable holiday storage space that is easy to use!  Because the shelving and containers are consistent, and the items used most frequently are in the appropriate locations, finding exactly what the client needs is much easier!  We have given the client a map of the space so that if another family member needs to access a specific bin, they will know exactly where the bin is located. The holiday storage space is so much more functional!

View more Before and After photos on our Facebook Fan Page!


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